Opening Hours
Save online - get your tickets at a discounted price in the online shop.
Reduced tickets e.g. for disabled persons exclusively at the cash desk!
Theme Park
The Theme Park is daily open from 23rd March - 3rd Nov. 2024!
Opening hours, prices & tickets
Wildlife Park
The Wildlife Park is open daily from 9 a.m.!
Opening hours, prices & tickets
Nature Resort
Overnight stays in the Nature Resort daily bookable!
Book now!
Travelling by car
For navigation devices: special destinations / Theme Park - Erlebnispark Tripsdrill,
for Theme Park: Erlebnispark-Tripsdrill-Straße 1, for Wildlife Park and Nature-Resort: Wildparadies-Tripsdrill-Straße 2, 74389 Cleebronn/Tripsdrill.
Free parking.
Google Maps Navigation
Travelling by train and bus
Erlebnispark Tripsdrill GmbH & Co. KG
Erlebnispark-Tripsdrill-Straße 1
74389 Cleebronn / Tripsdrill
Tel.: +49 (0) 7135 / 999 333
Fax: +49 (0) 7135 / 999 666
E-Mail: info@tripsdrill.de